Sunday, February 03, 2019

Under that cream and those cherries is a delicious Italian cake layered with #nutella. With friends like @lillocucina, birthdays mean never being able to say “no desert for me, thanks.” #grazielillo #auguri #tiamo

This is quintessential #Brooklyn. 4 strollers parked in front of @henrypublicsaloon at 6pm on a Sunday night. #mommyneedsadrink

Thank you to the stranger who abandoned these shoes just for me to find today! #happybirthdaytome #shoesoftheday #lostsoles #abandonedshoes

One of these burgers is not like the other. But both taste delicious. Can you tell the difference? I can’t. #impossibleburger #heme #plantprotein #sogood #meatwithoutfeet

#truth #EscherNYC

Seems like just yesterday I was swaddled in mom’s arms. Thanks for birthing me, Mom. Sorry you’re not here to see just how much of you I’ve become. Photo credit, I think, goes to my co-creator @ronmason2249 😘

Happy thirty-eighteenth birthday to me. #grazielillo